Navigating Loaded Conversations
Carefully Navigating Loaded Conversations
You've been asked to navigate a difficult conversation. Here are some tips to help you manage physiological reactivity during such an interaction. First, learn how to handle any resistance and difficulty before engaging in the conversation. Then, focus on getting the conversation started. After a few minutes, you'll be better prepared to take the conversation forward. Once the conversation starts, you can practice the three steps described above. And, as always, don't give up!Managing resistance
Managing resistance is difficult, but it is vital to the success of any change effort. In organizations, balancing change with stability is the key to success. While resistance can be a challenge, it is also a sign of poor alignment. Here are three strategies to manage resistance during a change conversation:
The most common form of resistance is denial. Denial is the most frustrating kind of resistance, as people don't understand the need for change and don't get exercised over it. Sometimes, resistance is a sign of a dysfunctional relationship, a rift within a relationship, or an underlying misunderstanding. In any case, identifying the underlying causes of resistance is critical to effectively responding.
When navigating a conversation with a resistor, your first priority should be to listen to them and repeat back what they said. As you listen, show them that their opinion matters and that you're open to new ideas. Your willingness to change can be a powerful influence. Managing resistance in a conversation is a necessary skill for navigating any change. In addition to being open to the idea of change, it also demonstrates your willingness to learn, adapt, and modify your plan to accommodate their views.
If a change initiative is proving difficult for employees, it's important to recognize that human need for respect is especially high during times of change. Long-time employees may assume that their perspective has been left out or that an answer cannot be final until all sides agree. Despite the inherent power dynamics, you can manage resistance by listening to everyone involved, and addressing their concerns and objections. In this way, you can get the change you want to see through.Managing difficulty before getting to the conversation
Managing difficulty before getting to the conversation is vital if you want to make it work. If you're feeling too overwhelmed to initiate a conversation, consider bringing in a facilitator to guide you. Being prepared for a difficult conversation will make you feel more confident and prevent you from going off on tangents that won't get you anywhere. Listed below are some suggestions for preparing for a difficult conversation:
Know why you're having the conversation. What are you hoping to get from the conversation? Although the conversation might go well in the moment, it will not resolve the issue. Later, the situation will have different consequences. Prepare yourself by researching the subject online, making notes, and practicing mindful breathing. These tips will make difficult conversations work for you and your partner. You can also use Google to research relevant information and to prepare yourself for the conversation.